Friday, 22 December 2017

Happy holidays!

So, the Autumn term has come to an end 
and what a term it has been!


The EYFS children performed fantastically
in our Nativity play.
We are so proud of all of them!

A big thank you to all parents who helped with the learning of lines, providing costumes 
and having to listen to all the songs on repeat!
It has all been very much appreciated.

A big thank you once again to all of you; 
your support and enthusiasm is always appreciated.

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 
from all the Nursery team. 

We look forward to seeing you after the holidays.

Friday, 8 December 2017

2 weeks to go...

Only 2 weeks left of the Autumn term! 
The time has gone so quickly!

 This week we have continued to make Christmas decorations and some of us have already made our Christmas cards.

We have been rehearsing our play with reception class. 
All costumes need to be in school by Monday 11th December.

Friday, 1 December 2017

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We are always very busy in nursery, but his week has been even busier than usual.

We have started the rehearsals for our Christmas Nativity play with the children from Reception and 
cannot wait to perform the final production on the 19th December!


Some of us have started to make Christmas decorations and are getting in the festive mood.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Lost and Found

Nursery performed in their first assembly this Friday. 
We showed our fabulous work to the whole school and sang 
our favourite nursery rhymes.

This week we have had lots of fun playing in the snow outside! 
The older children built an igloo that we played in.


We have read the book 'Lost and Found' - by Oliver Jeffers. 
A story about the friendship between a boy and a penguin.

In art we have made penguins, a beautiful snow scene 
and some glittery play-dough. 

Please feel free to come in and look at our beautiful artwork displayed in our classroom.

Another great week. Well done everybody!

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Welcome back to nursery!

This week has been focused around 
the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

We have learned about sizes, 
new vocabulary (porridge, chairs, and beds) 
and have created our own bear masks.


Friday, 27 October 2017


We have had another busy week in nursery, making play dough, biscuits and pasta necklaces, painting and colouring.


Have a great half term holiday and 
we look forward to seeing you  7th November.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Preparing for harvest

In preparation for Harvest Festival next week we have been learning new songs this week. 

Harvest Samba

We have continued with autumnal and harvest themed activities  which have included painting with conkers, hand leaves and carving pumpkins.



We have also been learning the story of The Three Little Pigs

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

We have made the characters to help retell the story.

Monday, 16 October 2017

This week have been reading Room on the Broom again and learning to be different characters from the book using masks.

Our autumn board has been filled with even more work that the children have worked hard to produce. 
They have made characters using a leaf, created 3D bats and used their fingers to paint leaves on trees. Well done, nursery!

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Autumn 2017

This week we have been focusing on the change of season as we enter autumn. The children have enjoyed making colourful autumn leaves, printing with apples and making a hedgehog using triangular shaped paper.

We have been learning the song:

The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow


Harvest Samba

Chalk drawing

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


As some of our children showed a great interest in dinosaurs recently, we decided to use that as the theme for our learning in Nursery.  

Here are some of the activities that we did.

We looked at some dinosaurs and made pictures of them using paper shapes.

If you look very carefully, you can see the dinosaur cave in the background, with dinosaur footprints on it.

We used paper plates to make representations of dinosaurs.

We put together some dinosaur skeletons.

We updated our number line to fit in with our dinosaur topic.

We practised cutting out different dinosaurs and writing our own names on our work.

Here are some songs that we have been listening to.

Friday, 14 April 2017


This week we have been very busy preparing for Easter.  We have been reading stories about eggs, chicks and rabbits.  We made lots of different craft items and performed a song to the rest of the school in assembly.  Have a look at all the things we made!

The Easter Bunny came to school!

We printed Easter egg shapes onto our Easter cards, using a potato masher!  

We used our hands and toes to make our chicken decorations.

We used corks to print designs onto egg shaped paper.

We used coloured paper to collage pictures of some of the things we think about at Easter time.

We used tissue paper to make translucent window decorations in the shape of eggs.

We enjoyed using the special extra messy paints to colour real eggs.  We had to rub the paint all over the egg with our hands.

At Easter time we usually have special treats to celebrate the end of Lent.  We prepared some treats of our own to eat at home.  

First we mixed up the ingredients to make sure that everything was covered in the runny chocolate.
Here are the finished cakes - we think they look delicious!


Here are the entries into the school Easter Egg decorating competition which took place on Friday.  There were lots of beautiful and creative ideas.  Well done to all the children who took part.