Friday 14 April 2017


This week we have been very busy preparing for Easter.  We have been reading stories about eggs, chicks and rabbits.  We made lots of different craft items and performed a song to the rest of the school in assembly.  Have a look at all the things we made!

The Easter Bunny came to school!

We printed Easter egg shapes onto our Easter cards, using a potato masher!  

We used our hands and toes to make our chicken decorations.

We used corks to print designs onto egg shaped paper.

We used coloured paper to collage pictures of some of the things we think about at Easter time.

We used tissue paper to make translucent window decorations in the shape of eggs.

We enjoyed using the special extra messy paints to colour real eggs.  We had to rub the paint all over the egg with our hands.

At Easter time we usually have special treats to celebrate the end of Lent.  We prepared some treats of our own to eat at home.  

First we mixed up the ingredients to make sure that everything was covered in the runny chocolate.
Here are the finished cakes - we think they look delicious!


Here are the entries into the school Easter Egg decorating competition which took place on Friday.  There were lots of beautiful and creative ideas.  Well done to all the children who took part.

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