Friday 3 February 2017

Art Week

This week the whole school has been very busy with art week.

On Monday Nursery worked together with Reception Class and Year 1 to create three different pieces of large scale art. 

On Tuesday we looked at pictures painted by Vassily Kandinsky.  

 We thought about the shapes and colours that he used.  Then we tried different ways to make our own versions of his work.

We tried cutting out circles and sticking them on top of each other.

We printed different sized circles of different colours

We practised pencil control, drawing lines and shapes with crayons and felt-tipped pens.


We made some very messy paintings, using string dipped in paint, to create interesting lines and shapes.

We used collage to try to recreate the circle patterns that we had seen.

Some children tried to copy Kandinsky's style, using brushes and paint.

Here is a picture of the finished wall display for our work.  We hope you like it!

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