Wednesday 15 March 2017

Women's Day and Maslenitsa

This has been a very busy week for us.  After the holiday we only had two days to prepare for International Women's Day!

We made cards and bath bombs to give to a special woman at home.  We decided on the colours and special oils to scent them.  They smelled delightful.  Here are some pictures of us making them.

 On Friday, we celebrated Maslenitsa, at school. We wrote our wishes for the coming Spring onto flower shapes and had a special assembly, where each class sang their special Spring songs.  After assembly, we gathered outside for the rest of our festival.

We helped Spring to wake up the bear.

Winter and Spring were arguing about which of them should stay.

We put the tree holding our Spring wishes in the highest place we could.

We burned the Lady Maslenitsa.
The festivities ended with a pancake snack and dancing to traditional music outside!  

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